

Application Pathways

Different ways to get into uni

Just because you don’t fit the usual entry-mould for uni doesn’t mean you can’t get in. Maybe you didn’t get the ATAR you wanted. Maybe you don’t have an ATAR at all. Maybe there were things happening in your life that got in the way of your study.

Sometimes, to reach your unlimited potential, all you really need is a break. And that’s exactly what we intend to give you.

Portfolio and Audition Pathways

At Western, we recognise your potential. We offer a range of alternative entry pathways which take into account additional factors besides your academic results.


All music applicants will need to apply through UAC or direct.

You may either audition into the degree or submit qualifications for Band 4 HSC Music, AMEB theory qualifications or TAFE degrees.

Industrial Design

Entry by Interview, means your personal aptitude, professional experience, and educational degrees are taken into consideration supported by a portfolio of works to showcase your creative work. After applicants have applied, they are required to book an interview.

Design (Visual Communication)

Entry by Interview, allows you to showcase your creative work.

After applicants have applied for the Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication), they are required to book an interview.

Big Picture Pathway

In partnership with Big Picture Education Australia and participating high schools, Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú provides students with a parallel portfolio-based pathway into a range of university degrees without needing an ATAR.

This pathway recognises the need for some learners to work on areas of interest in a more self-directed way and to develop a broad range of capabilities.

In applying to Western, students submit their portfolio, including their principal's recommendation, and attend an interview with our academic staff.

Special Tertiary Admissions Test

Haven’t done your HSC? Don’t have any formal degrees yet? That’s what is for. It’s a multiple-choice test that improves your chances of getting into Western.

Work experience counts in your favour

Tell us if you have more than 12 months of paid, full-time work experience – even if it has nothing to do with the degree you’re interested in. It can help strengthen your application.

Non award study

A person who wishes to complete single subjects offered by the University without undertaking an award may apply for admission as a non-award student. Non-award admission allows applicants to undertake professional and personal development. Find out more information here.

Cross institutional studies

Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú offers cross institutional study opportunities to both its own students and students from other institutions. For detailed information on cross institutional studies, including how to apply and the cost, please refer to the Cross-Institutional Studies page.

For more information, contact the Course Information Team on 1300 668 370.